For my next project I want to create a Drawing Robot. I just finished ‘House 2’ and that was quite intense. I needed to think of a lot of things to make it work and there was nothing to build upon, except the vision of my wife and my experience. For now I would like
Category: hacking
Better late than never. This a report on IoT Tech Day from 2016. I wrote this in May 2016, but I’ve been busy with personal matters for the last 2 years. So, before visiting the successor of IoT Tech Day called TEQNATION coming April, here is the report I was writing in 2016. Introduction
Yesterday I wanted to see how some of my Bitcoins were doing. I use Multibit HD 0.4.1. Suddenly MultibitHD showed the whole wallet being unconfirmed. That means that I couldn’t send any Bitcoins or that Multibit HD has lost its bookkeeping. I find this unacceptable. Who can work with a wallet that can’t do the
Visit to FOSDEM 2016
Here’s my report on visiting FOSDEM in Brussels last Saturday. The “Free and Open Source Developer European Meeting” is basically a mix between a 10.000 geeks, Free/Open Source Software projects, enterprise solutions and a sense of community descending on the Universite Libre Bruxelles (ULB) for a weekend. I really like FOSDEM for the atmosphere, interesting
Creating and configuring an E350 based media player running XBMC
Introduction This post briefly tells how I put together my media center using a mini-ITX board and XBMC. The last couple of years I used an Asus O-play as a mediaplayer. While in 2010 it was really nifty, after 2 years it didn’t meet my needs anymore. The thing I really missed was watching Youtube
Last week Andrea and me (on twitter @jhaand and @awc_haandrikman) went to the hacker festival Electromagnetic Field in Milton Keynes, UK. Once again it formed an awesome experience. I will write a small synopsis of this event and post the pictures. We went to the UK on 2014-08-26 and arrived back on 2014-09-01. Because EMF
The day we fight back banner added
Tomorrow an internet wide action against surveillance will take place. It’s called “The Day we Fight Back” A lot of sites will add a banner tomorrow to show we have had enough of everybody spying on us and harvesting the data about us. More info: You can add an plugin to your wordpress site
Ohm2013 retrospective
My body has now almost caught up from the exhaustion and my thoughts are a bit straightened out after #ohm2013. So now is a good time to start writing about it. I had a great time at Om2013. Always something to do and lots of people to talk to. So updating my blog was not
Arrived at OHM2013
This afternoon I drove towards OHM2013. Of course it started raining in the afternoon and did’t stop until 10 o”clock. I was able to put my tent up and make me some dinner. Almost everything got wet this afternoon, but I was able to pull it together and set everything up for the coming days.