This blog might produce a lot more posts next year. In 2018 I will enjoy my sabbatical, to figure out what I will be doing next. That will probably become something in the blockchain space combined with a lot of hardware. I’ve been working continuously since 1999 after my studies. First at Oce Technologies and
Category: generic
Some reposts about refugees (vluchtelingen) and our way of living in the EU.
Around a week ago the discussions about refugees started to heat up in the EU and in The Netherlands. In the Mediterranean people drowned and in the Netherlands we performed a lot of navel gazing on “Bed, Bath and Bread”. One of the best pieces on calling out the Dutch provincial closed mindedness came from
Opzegbrief lidmaatschap SP
Al de laatste paar jaar heb ik het idee dat de SP de boot mist. Vandaag heb ik toch maar de knoop doorgehakt om m’n lidmaatschap op te zeggen. Om wat achtergrond te geven, staat hieronder mijn opzegbrief richting de SP. Opzegbrief: Geachte heer/mevrouw, Hierbij wil ik mijn lidmaatschap en bijbehorende incassomachtiging per direct opzeggen.
The day we fight back banner added
Tomorrow an internet wide action against surveillance will take place. It’s called “The Day we Fight Back” A lot of sites will add a banner tomorrow to show we have had enough of everybody spying on us and harvesting the data about us. More info: You can add an plugin to your wordpress site
First Post! I’ve been thinking about creating my own website for quite a while. Finally it’s here. I’ll try to write about the topics I also listed for my Twitter tag line: Electrical Engineering, Free Software, Kobudo and Sustainability. But it might also include some other random musings. Follow jhaand