Here’s my report on visiting FOSDEM in Brussels last Saturday. The “Free and Open Source Developer European Meeting” is basically a mix between a 10.000 geeks, Free/Open Source Software projects, enterprise solutions and a sense of community descending on the Universite Libre Bruxelles (ULB) for a weekend. I really like FOSDEM for the atmosphere, interesting
Category: featured
Getting webmail back home with Roundcube
Since 2007, I used the webmail from and that worked quite well. I only had couple of problems with this setup. For once, after 8 years, it was getting a bit full and I couldn’t get any extra space for that particular E-mail box. Secondly, I had to trust my provider for keeping backups
Last week Andrea and me (on twitter @jhaand and @awc_haandrikman) went to the hacker festival Electromagnetic Field in Milton Keynes, UK. Once again it formed an awesome experience. I will write a small synopsis of this event and post the pictures. We went to the UK on 2014-08-26 and arrived back on 2014-09-01. Because EMF
Venlo als ontwikkel hubje
Inleiding Dit artikel bestaat uit een E-mail die ik afgelopen woensdag naar de SP Venlo had verstuurd na 3.5 uur stevig doortypen. Ondertussen heeft Venlokaal ook al positief gereageerd. Mij lijkt het me handig om dit verhaal te publiceren, zodat meer mensen er over kunnen discussiëren. Het originele onderwerp bij deze Twitter-discussie ging vooral in
Mysterious project / Interactive painting
The last couple of years I’ve posted some images about an Arduino, LEDs, lots of wires and some wooden board where everything is mounted upon on facebook. Because it was a present, the whole thing had to remain a secret. This project is finally finished and we can give the present to my niece on