Photo of Arduino circuit by

How to start embedded coding

Based on a Reddit post in /r/embedded. Every so often this question comes along. While I base this list on my own experience, I still think people would learn a lot if they follow it. Most people who know some C and C++ can do this and it has a lot variation. You get to

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Drawing Robot by Plexi

Making a drawing Robot, XYdrawBot

For my next project I want to create a Drawing Robot. I just finished ‘House 2’ and that was quite intense. I needed to think of a lot of things to make it work and there was nothing to build upon, except the vision of my wife and my experience. For now I would like

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Visit to FOSDEM 2016

Here’s my report on visiting FOSDEM in Brussels last Saturday. The “Free and Open Source Developer European Meeting” is basically a mix between a 10.000 geeks, Free/Open Source Software projects, enterprise solutions and a sense of community descending on the Universite Libre Bruxelles (ULB) for a weekend. I really like FOSDEM for the atmosphere, interesting

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Getting webmail back home with Roundcube

Since 2007, I used the webmail from and that worked quite well. I only had couple of problems with this setup. For once, after 8 years, it was getting a bit full and I couldn’t get any extra space for that particular E-mail box. Secondly, I had to trust my provider for keeping backups

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The day we fight back banner added

Tomorrow an internet wide action against surveillance will take place. It’s called “The Day we Fight Back” A lot of sites will add a banner tomorrow to show we have had enough of everybody spying on us and harvesting the data about us. More info: You can add an plugin to your wordpress site

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Mysterious project / Interactive painting

The last couple of years I’ve posted some images about an Arduino, LEDs, lots of wires and some wooden board where everything is mounted upon on facebook. Because it was a present, the whole thing had to remain a secret.  This project is finally finished and we can give the present to my niece on

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First Post! I’ve been thinking about creating my own website for quite a while. Finally it’s here. I’ll try to write about the topics I also listed for my Twitter tag line: Electrical Engineering, Free Software, Kobudo and Sustainability. But it might also include some other random musings. Follow jhaand