My body has now almost caught up from the exhaustion and my thoughts are a bit straightened out after #ohm2013. So now is a good time to start writing about it.
I had a great time at Om2013. Always something to do and lots of people to talk to. So updating my blog was not really an option during these amazing days. Fortunately al lot of tweets went into the Twittersphere to record some of the events.
So a week has gone after the event and my spinning head is coming to rest somewhat. Like a friend of mine said: “Interesting how you can suck up all that information, communicate with others while suffering from sleep deprivation.” The most scariest thing about the event was driving back home van Ohm2013 back to Venlo with only 3.5 hours of sleep. The most beautiful surprise was the Bach recitial by Kimiko Ishizaka.
All in all it was a great event, met a lot of interesting people, heard interesting talks and enjoyed myself tremendously.I think al lot of good and interesting hacks will result from it.
I really look forward to the next event. Whichever that will be.
I try do a couple of postings the coming days. I think with the following subjects: Photo’s, Interesting talks and ideas I’ve come up with.
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